At the end of every year, I like to look back to see how things have changed for us over the past 12 months. Often when you are in the middle of the business of life, it can feel like you are standing still. It isn’t till I compare to the previous year that I notice how different it is. It gives me a chance to see how some of the goals we had back in 2018 were met this past year, some we are still working towards and some have changed altogether.
One of the biggest changes we made to our business was the online shop. We loved the idea of being able to put together a growing collection of our favourite pieces for all of you to shop for your home. We have some ideas that we are excited to continue working on in 2020, and hope to share them with you soon!
Over the last year, we had the opportunity to continue working alongside so many great clients on both the design and contracting side, and are so thankful they trusted us with the remodel of their homes! I’m excited to see what 2020 brings for this side of our business, and am hoping we get the chance to incorporate some of these trends into some of our designs!
We also have a family announcement that I have been waiting to share with you all. In May 2020 we are expecting another little one to join the Coco & Jack team!! We are so excited, and are looking forward to another newborn in our home! I’m already planning a post with my favourite newborn items.

Speaking of adding to the Coco & Jack team, a few months ago we adopted this little guy, and he’s settled right in. He made a bit of an appearance on our Christmas photo, but here is a bit more of a formal introduction to little George.

With all thats changed in 2019, my greatest takeaway has been my view on design and the home. In the design and instagram world it is so easy to see all these beautiful interiors and images and believe that having a certain lifestyle is what will bring you joy and what will satisfy. Although a change of mind or a new item might bring some happiness, it is temporary. I am still so excited to design homes for our clients, and love planning renovations for our home, however it is not what determines my joy. Happiness requires happy circumstances, where as joy remains no matter what troubles you face. I just want to encourage you all as we enter into this new year to not fall into that belief that being able to take a certain trip, or purchase a certain item, or receive a certain job will bring you joy. Coming to this realization has made me more grateful for all that I have received, and excited for whatever 2020 has in store for us, wether it fits inline with our plans and dreams or not.
Thank you again for following along with us in our business, it means so much to us!
Wishing you God’s blessings this new year!
-Steve & Alyssa